One-stop Recycling for Electronics

One-stop Recycling —Why It Matters.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports that every time one million laptops are recycled, the amount of energy saved would power 3500 households in one year. In addition, recycling one million cell phones recovers nearly 800 pounds of silver, 35,000 pounds of copper and 75 pounds of gold.

Now, consider the fact that although millions of laptops and cell phones are recycled every year, there are millions more electronic devices that, for one reason or another, are not recycled. When ewaste isn’t recycled or properly destroyed, the damage to the environment and human health is and continues to be devastating.

Potomac eCycle genuinely cares about the burgeoning problem of unrecycled ewaste and the impact toxic waste has on the Earth’s natural resources. That’s why we provide one-stop recycling services for companies and individuals who also care about doing their part to protect the environment.

Why Choose Potomac eCycle to Recycle Your Unwanted Electronics?

It takes only a few minutes to drop off your obsolete electronics at a recycling center. But how much do you know about the ecycling center you chose to drop off your computers, hard drives, laptops and assorted ewaste? Is the facility R2 certified? Do they provide certifications of destruction to ensure sensitive data has been completely destroyed?

Unfortunately, there are many unethical and fraudulent recyclers that care only about making money. For example, in 2016, the U.S. Department of Justice arrested Brian Brundage, the owner of several recycling companies who dumped ewaste in illegal landfills and resold hazardous ewaste to overseas countries. Customers had no idea that Brundage was not disassembling and recycling their ewaste as he claimed he was doing. Instead, he was either shipping toxic ewaste to places like India and China or simply dumping ewaste in isolated landfills.

Potomac eCycle is committed to responsibly recycling or destroying all ewaste in ways that reduces energy use and does not harm the environment. Our company is R2 Certified and provides Certificates of Destruction for electronic equipment containing sensitive data.

As an R2-certified ecycler, Potomac eCycle consistently demonstrates to relevant accreditation boards that our recycling methods meet the highest management and environmental standards. In addition to significantly reducing toxic ewaste with state-of-the-art recycling methods, we also help minimize air and water pollution by extracting metals for reuse by electronic manufacturing facilities.

Items Accepted for Recycling at Potomac eCycle

  • Television sets
  • Personal computers/towers/monitors
  • Laptops
  • Tablets/iPads
  • Video recorders/players
  • Gaming equipment
  • Cellphones/smartphones
  • Data storage devices (hard drives, thumb drives, etc)

We also recycle lead, nickel-zinc, nickel-cadmium and lithium-ion batteries for a small fee. Lithium is becoming an increasingly, in-demand element that is used in electric vehicle batteries, pharmaceuticals and many other items.

If you are worried about the recycling of obsolete electronics containing sensitive information (customer data, organizational protocols, etc), know that we use only the most effective data destruction methods available. These methods include:

  • Degaussing
  • Overwriting data
  • Reformat/permanent deletion
  • Erasure
  • Electronic shredding
  • Solid-state shredding

We recommend using degaussing, shredding and erasure for obliterating extremely sensitive data you may be especially concerned about.

Call Potomac eCycle for More Information About Our Recycling Services

We offer pick-up services for companies with large amounts of obsolete electronics resulting from decommissioning events. We are your one-stop recycling center you can trust! Contact us for more details.

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